Europe needs and wants more entrepreneurs, more innovation, more growth, more digital, more women leaders and founders. Among the various initiatives aimed at correcting this is the EU funded ERASMUS+ project entitled “Women’s Entrepreneurship CoAches traiNing” (WECAN). WECAN is implemented transnationally in 6 EU countries (FR, MK, GR, ES, IT, CY) and will run for 24 months.
WECAN addresses entrepreneurship as a key competence to both start up a business and create value as described by the EntreComp framework. The project aims at enhancing women’s positive perceptions of their skills to start a new business through a coaching journey in which coaches with relevant entrepreneurial experience will explain what it actually takes to be an entrepreneur.
WECAN will boost women’s entrepreneurial capacity, empowering the would be entrepreneurs or those with a newly established business with a tailored coaching programme.
The specific objectives of the project are to:
- Develop basic and transversal entrepreneurial skills, using a tailored coaching programme
- Increase the sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mindset among female adults would – be or young entrepreneurs
- Promote unconventional and informal learning to build self-confidence, brake barriers and empower female adults out of employment
- Develop a coaching programme that enhances both coaches and mentees, developing new and creative tools that will improve the learning experience of the mentee and the coaching skills of experienced female entrepreneurs
- An open European education and training area thanks to the use of innovative ICT, open educational resources (OER) within the e-platform that will be freely available.
- EUROCIRCLE – Centre d’Information Europe Direct (France)
- SEGE – Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs (Greece)
- CKM – Center for Knowledge Management (North Macedonia)
- I-Box Create, S.L. (Spain)
- Centre for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci” (Italy)
- CSI – Center for Social Innovation (Cyprus)
Target group: WECoaches, Female Entrepreneurs, Startuppers
Duration: 04/11/2019 – 03/11/2021