The main objective of the “WE GO! Women Economic Independence & Growth Opportunity” Project (acronym WE GO!) is to strengthen support services for women victims of intimate partner violence in Europe, with a particular regard to training and advisory services that shelters/women’s centres offer to these victims. It focuses on the capacity building of trainers and officers of these centres and the development of new methods/responses to address the lack of economic alternatives for women victims. Thanks to WE GO!, centres will become more responsive to economic needs of victims (often a secondary focus following legal support), who will be able to exit situation of violence as a result of being empowered.
Specific objectives:
- To enhance amongst practitioners cross border cooperation of support services targeting women victims of violence, identifying and exchanging good practices from at least 8 European countries that foster victims’ economic empowerment;
- To enhance the practitioners’ understanding and skills by proposing models/protocols of support paths that will help victims in gaining economic independence.
Expected results:
- 200 women involved in training activities during the whole project lifetime;
- 35-50 anti-violence centres operators involved in training activities;
- 50 professionals involved in comparative analysis and exchange activities;
- 100 policy makers/institutional representatives reached;
- 1,000 stakeholders informed about the project’s results.
– SEGE – Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs (Greece)
– Animus Association Foundation (Italy)
– Associazione Donatella Tellini-biblioteca Delle Donne-ce (Italy)
– Bulgarian Centre Of Women In Technology (Bulgaria)
– Centro Veneto Progetti Donna-auser (Italy)
– C.i.f-centro Italiano Femminile Provinciale Di Reggio Cal (Italy)
– Euclid Network (UK)
– Folkuniversitetet, Stiftelsen För Kursverksamheten Vid Up (Sweden)
– Fundación Mujeres (Spain)
– Gender Project for Bulgaria Foundation (Bulgaria)
– Istituto Per La Ricerca Sociale (Italy)
– Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies – MIGS (Cyprus)
– Surt. Fundació De Dones. Fundació Privada (Spain)
– Women’s Center of Karditsa (Greece)
Target Groups: Women victims of intimate partner violence, Practitioners of social work, Psychologists
Duration: 11/01/2016 – 10/01/2018