The overall objective of the project is to increase the number of Women Business Angels (WBAs) in Europe (with a specific focus on South East Europe), and to facilitate the funding of Women Entrepreneurs (WEs) by Business Angels.
The target groups of the project are women entrepreneurs and women business angels. The main project activities include the creation of a women “business angels” consortium with partners coming from 7 EU member states: Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Hungary, Italy and UK (region of Scotland).
The project envisages:
- A research of best practices of successful women business angels;
- A study on the obstacles, challenges and success factors of women business angels in South East Europe;
- Organization of trainings for improving the skills of women business angles and women entrepreneurs;
- Creation of e-platform to facilitate women entrepreneurs and women business angles networking in the region of South East Europe and making contacts with other international contact networks.
– Federation of Enterprises and Industries of Peloponnese and the Western Greece
– SEGE- Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs (Greece)
– Limassol Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Cyprus)
– Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (Slovenia)
– BAWE – Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs (Bulgaria)
– Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria)
– JÓL-LÉT Alapítvány (Hungary)
– Women’s Enterprise Scotland CIC (UK)
– APID – Imprenditorialita’ Donna (Italy)
Target group: Female Entrepreneurs, Women Business Angels
Duration: 01/01/2017 – 31/12/2018