The EFEB Network project is being implemented within the framework of Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, under Strategic Partnerships in the field of education, training and youth.

The aim of EFEB Network is the development of strong partnership in the field of educational development, training and support activities and the area of female entrepreneurship and especially in the ground of social entrepreneurship, eco-innovation and digital economy.

EFEB Network’s main objective is to train, mentor and develop the entrepreneurship skills of women entrepreneurs involving them in VET partnership with great potential for development and raising the public awareness, supporting women empowerment and providing new economic and social opportunities for a prosperous European Region. In this respect, among the project’s main tasks is to enhance the new skills education and to create a climate that is favorable to increasing the number of women entrepreneurs and the size of the women-led businesses and new jobs. Furthermore, the project aims at promoting the gender equity stressing out the importance of a strong women social entrepreneurship sector and at implementing activities focusing on motivational support to women entrepreneurs through education, information, training, good practices.


– SEGE – Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs (Greece)
– INNOGATE to Europe (Spain)
– SIC Socialiniu Inovaciju Centras (Lithuania),
– IAT – Institut Arbeit und Technik (Germany)
– ESTEEM – Vocational and Personal Development for Young People (UK)
– NGO Agricola (Ukraine)
– GAWB – Georgian Association Women in Business (Georgia)
– CEBSR – Clusters Experts Baltic Sea Region (Latvia)

Target Groups: Women Entrepreneurs, Women Employees, Unemployed Women

Duration: 01/10/2015 – 30/09/2017