The project ECO-SystemApp perfectly addresses the following three horizontal priorities:

  • Developing basic and transversal skills using innovative methods
    Through a wide range of tools and activities, ECO-SystemApp will strongly promote the transversal skill: entrepreneurship. Moreover, the project will tackle the challenge of
    embedding this skill at all educational levels by involving as Target Group a broad category of actors (adopting a multi-stakeholder approach). In this way a number of key transversal skills and arising from an entrepreneurship education will be fostered contributing to the Smart Growth objective. (e.g. management competences such as problem solving, initiative taking and taking responsibilities, social competences such as cooperation and networking, personal competences such as self-confidence and autonomy and competences such as creativity and proactivity). This will be achieved by combining a variety of innovative methods and approaches: virtual mobility, blended learning, interactive workshops that involve the participants with speed-networking meetings for good practice transfer and a “tell me, and I forget; Show me, and I’ll remember; involve me, and I’ll understand” methodology.
    ECO-SystemApp will develop an assessment tool for the validation of learning outcomes. This Assessment tool and recognition of learning outcomes (O5) will foster the assessment of entrepreneurial skills and will increase the recognition of the learning outcomes of the up-skilled entrepreneurship educators.
  • Supporting the implementation of the 2013 Communication on Opening Up Education
    ECO-SystemApp will support the implementation of the 2013 Communication on Opening Up Education by promoting the strategic use of Open Educational Resources (OER). A Repository of educational resources for entrepreneurship education (O6) will be created, increasing the value of existing entrepreneurship educational material and increasing the use of OER through its transfer and take-up.
    The project will also support ITC based teaching with an open on-line course (O2) and ICT-based assessment (O5), and promote the development of new models of delivery, such as virtual mobility in the Virtual exchange programme (O4), where the educators will engage in a mutual learning approach via videoconference, and blended learning, combining the ICT based teaching with face-to-face events, i.e. Ecosystem laboratories for Entrepreneurs education and Virtual Learning Environment for Entrepreneurs educators. The project will also create a virtual learning platform, ECO-SystemApp virtual learning environment (O8), that will assure an easy access of the target groups to project materials.
  • Strengthening education and training paths of educators and youth workers / strengthening the profile of the teaching professionsECO-System App will enhance the up-skilling of all stakeholders involved in the entrepreneurial ecosystem building strategic cooperation between the different educational sectors, businesses and public and private stakeholders at multiple levels of education, including non -formal learning. The project will contribute to strengthening the training path of educators, youth workers involved in entrepreneurship education and the profile of the teaching profession.


– University of Wales Trinity Saint David Royal Charter (UK)
– National Chamber Network Women Entrepreurship (Greece)
– INNOGATE To Europe (Spain)
– Zdruzenie Nacionalen Centar Za Razvoj Na Inovacii I Pretpriemacko Ucenje Skopje (North Macedonia)
– Arteveldehogeschool (Belgium)
– Consorzio Materahub Industrie Culturali E Creative (Italy)
– Regionalna Rozvojova Agentura Senec – Pezinok (Slovakia)

Target Groups: Entrepreneurship educators (including teachers at all levels of education, public authorities, businesses, NGOs).

Duration: 01/09/2015 – 31/08/2017