DIGI Women Project’s is aiming at helping women entrepreneurs because they are skilled at using digital tools for social purposes but they need help digitalizing their businesses and since they are participating less in formal ICT classes and more in micro firms that are less digitalized, there is lots of potential for improvement. Therefore, the project aims to engage in a large scale understanding of female user needs and influence or adapt training in current and new digital tools. The overall objective is to develop a curriculum prototype that will train experts by taking the above-mentioned requirements into account in order to offer trainings and mentorship sessions that are tailored to the needs of the female entrepreneurs digitalizing their business and help them overcome the obstacles they face in the digitalization.
- Consulenza Direzionale di Paolo Zaramella (CDPZ), Italy
- bit management Beratung GesmbH, Austria
- Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs – SEGE, Greece
- Cluster Experts Baltic Sea Region – CEBSR, Latvia
- National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (NTU KhPI), Ukraine
- CEPOR SMEs and Entrepreneurship Policy Centre, Croatia
- University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Bulgaria
Target group: Digital Experts in need of additional skills in helping women entrepreneurs and women entrepreneurs who need to digitize their businesses.
Duration: 01/09/2020 – 31/10/2022 (21 months)