The project Diabetic runners and cyclist for more sport for all in Europe: SportGiveChance stems from the belief that health in cities and communities is a common asset to be safeguarded and promoted.
The sedentary lifestyle, favoured by automation, along with poor diet, familiarity, aging, obesity, smoking and stress, are the main causes of the increase in chronic diseases, including diabetes, defined a real pandemic by the WHO (World Health Organization).
As was foreseen by the Erasmus plus project, which focuses on the value and importance of sport and physical exercise, also as a response and a healthy lifestyle, sport events with seminars and workshops were organized, through which the target goal of 1086 participants among athletes and experts from 16 European countries and national and local organizations has been reached.


BULGARIA: Skla Atletik Sofia
CZECH REPUBLIC: Beachklub Ladvi, Prague- Partnerstvio.p.s. Brno
CYPRUS: Politistiki kai Laografiki Lesxi Tsadas -Tsada Paros
CROATIA: City of Dubrovnic Development Agency, Udruga za pomicianje aktivnog gradanstvo -ECHO,
FRANCE: Association of Loca; Democracy Agencies ALDA
GERMANY: Initiative Jagendarbeit Neuruppin e.v. Neuruppin
GREECE: Greek Association of women entrepreneurs, Talos Anek Lines Cycling Club, OECON GROUP, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania
MALTA: Malta Cycling Federation
POLAND: Institute for Sport Development and education foundation
PORTUGAL: Federacao Portuguesa das associacoes de pesspas com diabetes
ROMANIA: Association of children and young people with diabetes Cluj
SLOVENIA: Drustvo za spodbujanjie evropskih vrednot in federalizma Mladi Evropeiji
SPAIN: Association Espanoia Para el deporte con Diabetes
TURKEY: Tarsus Cukurva Spor Klubu Dernegi, Necesehir Genclik Merkezi
HUNGARY: CrosskovacskiSKE
Target group: Diabetic runners and cyclist

Duration: 01/12/2017-01/11/2018