Project “BRANDING Mentoring – Brand building of EU Enterprises through Mentoring” aims to recruit experienced entrepreneurs in order to mentor, support and guide less experienced entrepreneurs, self-employed professionals, executives of SMEs, start-ups and scale-ups in regards to cultivating and enhancing their skills and competences related to branding techniques and strategies, marketing of their products and services, as well as their overall extroversion and business acumen that will lead to successful business results and practices. To do so, the project commences with primary research that will help contact and identify both the stakeholders interested to participate in the mentoring process as receivers (mentees) as well as those interested to participate as donors (mentors). Next, the project partners will design and develop the Mentoring Handbook that will clearly describe the innovative mentoring methodology to be followed and, after training the trainers (mentors) and matching them with the prospective mentees through piloting events, the mentoring schemes will be initiated with a specified timetable and quality assurance guidelines. The expected result will be through the introduction of mentoring, job-shadowing and other formal and non-formal elements of training to increase the branding success of the beneficiaries’ organizations, while at the same time to establish a novel learning approach in the specific countries.

Target Groups: Start-ups, Scale-ups, SMEs, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Hubs, Professional Associations, Chambers of Commerce, VET Centres, etc.

– KVA (Hungary)
– Chamber of Gyor (Hungary)
– OECON Group (Greece)
– Chamber of Chalkidiki (Greece)
– Eurosuccess (Cyprus)
– OIC Foundation (Poland)
– Chamber of Slovenia-Center for Business Education (Slovenia)

Duration: 01/11/2018 – 31/10/2020