The aim of the project PAL Women is to empower disadvantaged women integration & improve their basic competencies in terms of social entrepreneurship and marketing (improved levels of skills for employability and new business creation). The project shares the opportunity to raise concerns, exchange experiences and mobilize jointly over common purposes.

Additionally, it is aiming at enhancing access to training and qualifications for low-skilled, through continuing adult education, promoting work-place learning and mentoring, providing for efficient and integrated guidance services and flexible and permeable learning pathways. It aims to bring women closer to education, entrepreneurship and employment and support the development of professional skills enhancement exploring business opportunities to two related topics.


  • HNM – House of National Minorities (Czech Republic)
  • OECON Group Bulgaria (Bulgaria)
  • SEGE – Greek Association Of Women Entrepreneurs (Greece)
  • FLORIDA Centre De Formacion Sociedad Cooperativa (Spain)
  • Consorzio Innopolis (Italy)
  • UC Limburg (Belgium)
  • UG Edukativni centar Roma-Educational Centre Roma (Serbia)
  • RomPraha (Czech Republic)

Target group: Women and girls from disadvantaged groups across Europe

Duration: 01/10/2019 – 30/09/2021