Project “BIG STEP: Learning through Gamification – Integration of the vulnerable groups” will use the Gamification methodology which is the application of typical elements of game playing (e.g. point scoring, competition with others, etc.) to other areas of activity, such as teaching, to encourage engagement, learning flow, evaluation etc. of participants. “BIG STEP” will develop a novel educational 2-D serious video game which will help refugees engage in learning their host country’s language by playing and interacting digitally, while combining local cultural aspects (e.g. what time do they have lunch in Belgium?). The game will be tailored to the respective needs and educational level of our target groups, who will be reached through the official structures in place by the member states, and will enhance their media and literacy skills to a great extent, competences that are going to be very useful when looking for a job eventually.

Project Partners:

– UCLL (Belgium)
– OECON Group (Greece)
– IPSA (Greece)
– Neapolis University Paphos (Cyprus)
– URI-Soca (Slovenia)
– Komunikujeme *Czech Republic)

Target Groups: Refugees, Migrants, Third Country Nationals

Duration: 01/09/2016 – 31/12/2018