Psychological disorders are usually associated with significant social distress and occupational difficulties and this explains why a growing number of VET centres welcome people affected by these troubles. However, not all professionals working in the VET sector have the necessary experience and knowledge to deal with this target audience.
These professionals cover different roles within their organizations and most of the times have no (or very little) knowledge in the fields of psychology, psychiatry or disability. As a consequence, they are not always able to adopt the proper attitudes, to react appropriately, to adapt their tools/methods to the needs of these people. Such a situation produces in them a sense of powerless and a lot of frustration; besides, it can seriously undermine the success of the training and insertion path.
The purpose of the project is to improve the support of these students during their educational course, through the creation of a manual for trainers specializing in psychological disorders in Adult Education and Vocational Education and Training. Furthermore, through the cooperation with people suffering from psychological disorders, the aim is to exchange methods and practices of educators in order to enrich their knowledge and techniques in this field and to allow the creation of the profile of the role of the specialized educator in matters of psychological disorders.

– INFREP – Institut National De Formation Et De Recherche Sur L’education Permanente Infrep Sas (France)
– NARHU – National Association of Professionals Working with Disabled People (Bulgaria)
– IDIVAL – Fundacion Instituto De Investigacion Marques De Valdecilla (Spain)
– IPSA – Institute of Psychosocial Development (Greece)
– AID – Actions Intégrées De Développement (Belgium)
– Associazione Formazione Professionale Del Patronato San Vincenzo (Italy)
– ADIS Services Sasu (France)

Target groups: VET centres, VET and Adult Educators, Teachers

Duration: 1/10/2018 – 31/8/2021