The project Euro-FEM is aiming at increasing the opportunities of networking, exchange of good practices as a result of cooperation among EU and Turkish chambers and helping them to increase the services capacities and participation of the business community in the EU-Turkey dialogue.
The completion of activities intends to increase the overall capacities of chambers and business communities that will be part of the action, as they will be represented by female entrepreneurs and their companies. Training courses, analysis of best practices and their presentation in the Euro-FEM Business Angels Forum and the creation of a cluster that will host and support female run businesses will provide opportunities for networking, cooperation, improvement of practices and integration of new operational schemes for chambers and their supported business community and will strengthen the dialogue between Turkey and EU.
All the above overall objectives will be complimented by the main and specific objectives of Euro-FEM that is to strengthen the position of female women and entrepreneurs in all participating region and especially in Turkey; improve their competences and self-confidence in business related tasks; provide access to a wide network of co-operators and business representatives; exchange practices and ideas and integrate new competences; involve local female business community into the Turkey-EU dialogue;


– BEP – Small and Medium Sized Industry Chamber of Piraeus (Greece)
– SEGE – Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs (Greece)
– ICE – İzmir Commodity Exchange (Turkey)
– EGiKAD – Aegean Businesswomen Association (Turkey)
– Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Target groups: Local authorities, SMEs, Female entrepreneurs, BSOs

Duration: 01/04/2019 – 15/09/2020