The project “PAL Push Entrepreneurship” is aiming to develop a comprehensive approach and endorse a number of goals in training and employment in order to speed up Roma Integration and support the implementation of National Roma Inclusion strategies and the Council Recommendation of Roma Integration.

The main objectives of the project are:

  • Improving the entrepreneurial competences of Romani planning to run business.
  • Increasing knowledge and skills in establishing and managing the entrepreneurship entities.
  • Delivery of tools to develop the entrepreneurial competence.


RomPraha (Czech Republic)
URI-SOCA (Slovenia)
Fondazione Leone Moressa (Italy),
UC Limburg (Belgium)
Anatoliki (Greece)
Open Media Group (Croatia)
AAIE (Albania)

Target Groups: Favoring the start-up of new Romani owned enterprises by providing the project results and tools to local training organizations and actors’ orientation/training/assistance and counselling services to the would-be Roma entrepreneurs

Duration: 01/10/2017-01/10/2019