PROSPERA project brings together different partners from Italy, Belgium, Greece, Sweden, and Hungary to improve regional policies on protection and promotion of natural heritage and sustainable development in peri-urban areas threatened by urban-sprawl. INTERREG EUROPE supports the project in the framework of the European Regional Development Fund to contribute to the European objectives of environmental and resource efficiency.
- Improve regional policies on protection and promotion of natural heritage by improving sustainable development in peri-urban areas threatened by urban-sprawl, with the ultimate aim of preventing biodiversity loss, soil consumption and further degradation of natural assets.
- Include peri-urban areas in strategic planning as key leverage for sustainable growth & attractiveness of the regions.
- Change mindset of peri-urban actors towards natural heritage as an opportunity for business development.
- Raise awareness about urban-rural linkages as key factors for protecting natural heritage and contributing to sustainable development.
Municipality of Varberg (Sweden)
Municipality of Ghent (Belgium)
Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Belgium)
EDC Debrecen Urban and Economic Development Center (Hungary)
Municipality of Reggio Emilia (Italy)
Research Centre on Animal Production (Italy)
Municipality of Aristoteli Chalkidikis (Greece)
Target groups: local stakeholders and companies
Duration: 01/09/2019- 01/07/2023