ERIAS is the European Chambers response to the labour market integration question of Third Country Nationals (TCN), including refugees. ERIAS proposes a methodology for the integration of TCN* in the labour market based on the principles of comprehensiveness (from skills assessment to employment) and multi-stakeholder approach. Partners from Spain, Italy, Greece and Bulgaria test the ERIAS approach on the ground, offering integration pathways to TCN while considering the employment needs of enterprises. The project contributes with the creation of an Integration Check List for enterprises that will help to overcome potential integration hurdles by offering information and guidance. The project will furthermore see the development of a Vademecum of positive integration examples, as a concrete step for changing mindsets when addressing the integration question.

The 13 project partners will reach out to their respective networks at European, national and regional level to well over 1500 stakeholders who will be informed about and/or associated to the activities. Over 350 TCN will benefit from 4 skills assessments, 25 trainings, 3 counselling and guidance activities, putting them on the employment path. On the enterprise side, over 500 enterprises will be informed and invited to contribute to the activities, via 8 workshops, 2 surveys, some 40 meetings, 1 matchmaking session and a yet undefined number of individual contacts. The major outcomes will be new multi-stakeholder alliances, tailored training services for TCN and practical tools for enterprises that will help the latter in smoothly integrating TCN in the workforce. The expected impact will be a major awareness of the benefits of the rapid labour market integration of TCN, a shift in mindsets (from foe to friend) with business organisations and businesses across Europe.

*TCN – Third-Country National


– FORMAPER – Milan Monza-Brianza Lodi Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Craft and Agriculture (Italy)
– FISASCAT CISL Milano Metropoli (Italy)
– CCI BRETAGNE – Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bretagne Region (France)
– SEGE – Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs (Greece)
– EPICHAL – Chamber of Halkidiki (Greece)
– TIHC – Technical Institute of Heraklion Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Greece)
– CÁMARA OFICIAL DE COMERCIO – Industria, Servicios y Navegación de España (Spain)
– CÁMARA OFICIAL DE COMERCIO – Industria, Servicios y Navegación de Mallorca (Spain)
– CÁMARA OFICIAL DE COMERCIO – Industria, Servicios y Navegación de Valencia (Spain)
– BBCI – Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria)
– STARA ZAGORA – Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria)
– HCCI – Haskovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria)
– EUROCHAMBRES – Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Belgium)

Target group: Third-Country Nationals, Migrants

Duration: 01/01/2019 – 30/06/2021