The final steering committee meeting of the project PAL – “Fighting discrimination and anti-Gypsysim in education and employment in EU” (JUST/2014/RDIS/AG/DISC/8115) was organized in Reggio Emilia, Italy at 5th and 6th of October 2017 by the Municipality of Reggio Emilia with the support of E35 Foundation. More than 45 partners from 9 European countries participate in the press conference that took place in Sala del Tricolore of the Town Hall where institutional greetings had been addressed from Mr. Luca Vecchi (Mayor of Reggio Emilia) and Mr. Matteio Sassi (Deputy Mayor of Reggio Emilia). At the end of the press conference all the participants were invited for light lunch that took place in the Musei Civici of the town. The foreign participants were introduced to the history of the own and the exhibition items situated in the  museum. The first day of the meeting continued at  the Sala Conferenze ex-tribunale at the noon with internal meeting concerning final reporting, evaluation and financial documentation preparation. 

At the second day of the event where presented the results of the project activities and the research made during the implementation of the project.  The partners from DRPDNM and CUB had introduced the participants to the final version of the “Community Prevention policy for Roma in EU” and was suggested the importance if involvement of private companies and SMEs in the Roma integration process.  The partners from HNM had presented the results of the roundtables that have been organized from all the partners and their input on the policy making.   During the second part of the day, the participants had been introduced to the Push educational training and Push employment opportunities in each partner country.

The short term results of the project have been transferred to the partners and future goals and initiatives have been discussed.  The project will close officially at 4th of January 2018 and the partners will present the official results of their work during the first half of December 2017.


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